1. Blue Sushi for lunch

    We went to Blue Sushi for lunch today & I was fascinated by the sushi conveyor belt.      
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  2. From Russia with Love: Cyxymu

    Thursday August 6 2009 Twitter and Facebook were simultaneously interrupted by a “denial of service attack”.   Max Kelly, chief security officer at Facebook, claims the attack was directed at one blogger, Cyxymu. Cyxymu is also the name of a town in the Republic Of Georgia-this is an English translation of Cyxymu’s Live Nation blog site. Here is some of the text on the blog site that is apparently a letter to the President of the Republic of Georgia: “Уважаемый Дмитрий Анатольевич!
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  3. Follow Your Heart And The (fill in the blank) Will Follow

    For some the “blank” is money, other’s it is love, for many it is success in whatever they are pursuing. While I will always consider conventional wisdom-I won’t blindly follow it-personally or in business. Anything else is just crazy talk, foolish to me.

    Next time someone tells you something is impossible, remember this. That is the short story of Christian the lion. Christian was purchased from Harrods department store in London by 2 guys. Christian had been part of a store display and got too big for the window display. When he outgrew his owners, they released him in Africa. The owners wanted to visit him 2 years later and were told Christian was forming his own lion pride and not only would he not recognize them it would be dangerous. Christian did recognize them and in fact brought his wife and children to meet with them. True story.

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  4. Blowfish Encryption

    I was watching 24 the other night and Blowfish Encryption caught my attention. I started wondering to myself if that was even a real thing. You know like how doctors in shows like Grey’s Anatomy and ER do fake CPR? Turns out Blowfish is a real thing, so here is my version of “Blowfish for Dummies”. To make a computer do anything, you would have to write a program, basically give it a task. An algorithm (aka cipher) tells the program how to do the task. So here is an easy example. I am going to wash my car-that is my program. There are lots of ways to get my car washed: 1. Go to the car wash. 2. Do it with a hose in my driveway. 3. Pay a neighbor kid to do it for me. The way I choose to get my car clean is the algorithm or a cipher. In cryptography, Blowfish is a keyed
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  5. Commit And Providence Will Move

    “Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves as well. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.”

    This quote is most often attributed to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Goethe lived from August 1749 until March 1832. He is quite an interesting fellow who studied and influenced numerous things from philosophy, eroticism, law, poetry, drama,

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  6. Connectzone.com is Purple and Gold

    We have a few sneaky relatives that are Crimson and Gray but we are Purple and Gold. For us that means it is T-20 days until spring football practice at the University of Washington.

    So here are some interesting things to things about:

    How cute can a mascot be-I mean really? Seriously?  Totally? Meet “Dubs”. Could he be any cuter-especially compared to a duck? A beaver? Get real!

    Next time you are all kinds of sideways mad that Jake Locker spent most of last season on the bench-well just watch this video and make sure your speakers are on, full volume. Side note-Jake please don’t play baseball this year!

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