1. A Day In The Life Of Cable dog

    By Guest Blogger Sammy

    My name is Sammy-I also go by Sam. I am a 5 year old Border Collie mix. I was rescued from a dumpster in Yakima by an organization called Lil’ Waif Puppy Rescue. I came to the rescue with something they called “failure to thrive”. They were really nice to me though; I got snuggled in a rocking chair a lot and got better. I used to stand in my water dish all the time and the nice lady who rescued me made sure I was adopted into a home that would involve water. Sure enough I got my own pond now and lots of friendly neighbor dogs that come over to play.

    My favorite neighbor is a Chihuahua named Harley, he doesn’t seem to notice how much bigger I am than him. One of my other best friends is a Schnauzer named Zeke-I met him when we were both really young and I taught

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  2. Panicking Never Helps Anything

    It doesn’t matter what you are talking about in life, panicking will only make things worse. At home, at work, during a true bloodletting emergency, fear and panic will not help you. The only solution I have ever found is to tell myself, often loudly “it is only (fill in the blank)”. The “blank” could be blood, pain, fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of public speaking, dying in a plane crash, failing a test, losing your job, stock market crash or being eaten by a shark while swimming. Taking a firm and confident mental position will help you, here are some thoughts.

    At one point in my life I was a trained “first responder” as well as certified to teach Red Cross first aid and CPR. Rule #1, secure yourself and your situation, one disaster is bad enough-don’t make it two disasters. So if you stop to help at a car accident, make sure your car is blocking traffic from hitting

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  3. USA Needs a Pride Stimulus not an economic stimulus, Some things money can’t buy

    By Guest Blogger, Dann the Cable Man

    In 1980 I was 16 years old, driving a ’67 Camaro (weren’t we all?), Inflation was high and unemployment was even higher. Interest rates were hovering around 20%. The previous year Iranians kidnapped US Embassy staff and were holding them hostage (remember Nightline “day 287 of the Iranian Hostage Crisis”). The 2nd Oil embargo was in effect, Gas stations had to switch from selling by the gallon to the liter just so they could charge above $1.00 per gallon. The Cold war was still very hot, the soviets had just invaded Afghanistan and we all know what that gave birth too-yeah, a tall guy in a turban who lives in a cave somewhere. In Washington State we had the WHOOPS Fiasco. It was a bad time, a really really bad time. Any student of history knows that when a country is downtrodden and has lost faith with itself it is also very vulnerable, recall Germany post

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  4. Follow Your Heart And The (fill in the blank) Will Follow

    For some the “blank” is money, other’s it is love, for many it is success in whatever they are pursuing. While I will always consider conventional wisdom-I won’t blindly follow it-personally or in business. Anything else is just crazy talk, foolish to me.

    Next time someone tells you something is impossible, remember this. That is the short story of Christian the lion. Christian was purchased from Harrods department store in London by 2 guys. Christian had been part of a store display and got too big for the window display. When he outgrew his owners, they released him in Africa. The owners wanted to visit him 2 years later and were told Christian was forming his own lion pride and not only would he not recognize them it would be dangerous. Christian did recognize them and in fact brought his wife and children to meet with them. True story.

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  5. Cisco WebEx on 24

    I admit it-I am a 24 junkie and I voted for Jack Bauer for President last November. 24 is fast paced, patriotic and uses a lot of really cool technology that the average Joe doesn’t know exists let alone understands. To check out a scene from last night’s 24 click here. Last night the plugs for Cisco were kind of obscene-but it did get me interested in the technology. WebExprovides technology for everything from electronic signatures to web meeting and video conferencing capabilities; Cisco calls them virtual collaboration tools. BTW Connectzone.com sells Cisco cables if you are in need of one.

    Product Placement 101

    Am I the only person

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