is Purple and Gold

We have a few sneaky relatives that are Crimson and Gray but we are Purple and Gold. For us that means it is T-20 days until spring football practice at the University of Washington.

So here are some interesting things to things about:

How cute can a mascot be-I mean really? Seriously?  Totally? Meet “Dubs”. Could he be any cuter-especially compared to a duck? A beaver? Get real!

Next time you are all kinds of sideways mad that Jake Locker spent most of last season on the bench-well just watch this video and make sure your speakers are on, full volume. Side note-Jake please don’t play baseball this year!

And Yep it’s a new era here at UW with the Sark! Ducks, Beavs, Cougs-hope you enjoyed last year ’cause we are so over it……………