Follow Your Heart And The (fill in the blank) Will Follow

For some the “blank” is money, other’s it is love, for many it is success in whatever they are pursuing. While I will always consider conventional wisdom-I won’t blindly follow it-personally or in business. Anything else is just crazy talk, foolish to me.

Next time someone tells you something is impossible, remember this. That is the short story of Christian the lion. Christian was purchased from Harrods department store in London by 2 guys. Christian had been part of a store display and got too big for the window display. When he outgrew his owners, they released him in Africa. The owners wanted to visit him 2 years later and were told Christian was forming his own lion pride and not only would he not recognize them it would be dangerous. Christian did recognize them and in fact brought his wife and children to meet with them. True story.

Next time you are told your quarterback (quarterback is figurative here-it could be your boss or spouse) sucks and you can’t win, visualize this.

If you think change isn’t possible, reconsider.

Inspiration isn’t the same as opportunity. Opportunity often knocks at the door. Inspiration on the other hand rarely knocks; mostly you have to look for it. Next time you feel weak remember this, it spans generations.