1. Connectzone hits a Grand Slam for local kids!

    Connectzone is sponsoring the Everett Express fast pitch softball team. The Connectzone team feels strongly about supporting local organizations that support our children. According to many authorities the top ten reasons to involve your child in sports are: 1. Playing sports is fun. It gives your child something to do and a group to belong to. They have a group of friends that has the same goals and interests. 2. Research has found that kids that play sports, especially girls, are more likely to have a positive body image and higher self-esteem. They also are less likely to be overweight. 3. Kids involved in sports are less likely to take drugs or smoke because they realize the impact that these destructive activities can have upon their performance. Girls who play sports are also less likely to become pregnant. 4. Physical activities are a good way to relieve stress and reduce depression. 5. Sports help kids develop
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