Microsoft Tag-Way Cool

What the heck is a Microsoft Tag-you might be asking yourself? Well it is something pretty new and innovative from Microsoft and it looks like this:



Now if you have the application for your cell phone (you can get it here for free)you can just aim your cell with the Tag application open at the image above and it will add the information to your telephone. Above is a real tag I made (making a tag is free too). And believe me-if I can do it anyone can.

Now I have your interest let’s do something fun. I want you to go to the link above where you can get the application for your cell phone and download it-I’ll wait here while you open a new browser page and download………….

Welcome Back! Now bring the application up on your cell phone, hold the phone up to your monitor and center the image above between the red lines and see what happens. Don’t worry it won’t do anything scary or take you to a nefarious web site…………..

How cool is that? It took you to Connectzone’s website. It’s a new spin on the old idea of a bar code but think about the applications.

Make a Tag for your business contact info, put it on your business card, give it to a customer and they can immediately upload your info into their cell phone. The customer can take the cell home from from a meeting or trade show and upload your contact info into his or her PC.

How about you are a restaurant owner with a giant billboard and you put a Tag on the billboard? Anyone driving by with a cell phone could get info about your restaurant from your website-driving directions-hours-maybe even make a reservation.

You could put one on your email signature for your website, blog or contact information. You could make a Tag for a promotion or sale items in your signature or website. Tag your product pagacking so your customers can easily be navigated to the product on your website. You could put it on party invitations and give directions to your house. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination!