
That’s me, it’s really kind of more of a personality type than a name. My business card says my title is “Mission Control” that’s an upgrade from what my title used to be which was “does everything that no one else knows how to do or is unwilling to do”. Remember the movie Apollo 13? Ed Harris portrayed Gene Kranz as NASA Flight Director? He makes a couple really strong statements that describe what I do all day. The first is “Failure is not an option”. The second is as Apollo 13 is re-entering the atmosphere with everyone at NASA predicting disaster and Ed Harris puts on his white vest and says “Gentlemen, I believe this is going to be our finest hour”. I have been known to drag salespeople kicking and screaming into new software and routines. I am the one that pushes people of their comfort zone cliff. I am the one who makes sure accounting is running smoothly. I make sure my employees are happy because they are my peeps and without them Connectzone fails (as mentioned earlier “Failure is not an option”). Lastly, I write the blog that makes the whole world sing (insert Barry Manillo tune here)

Jemma answers to the name Shelly ( but everyone who knows me really well knows that alter ego Bad Kitty is really in charge. Connectzone is also on facebook and you can check us out there