Google Street View

This is a really cool technology. I will link you here in case you don’t know about this:

You can go to street view and see a real picture of a neighborhood. Imagine how helpful this would be if for example you were moving from Alabama to Seattle and wanted to know what the neighborhood the real estate agent was recommending? Although it might a cramp in my personal business where I have done house scouting for clients.

But a warning to everyone in the blogosphere-be aware when the Google car comes by taking pictures. Be aware of what you are doing and wearing and if you look fat in those shorts. The Google car caught me at the worst possible moment. Story as follows.

Mr. Connectzone calls to me from the office one evening and says “Jemma-come check out this new cool thing Google has, we can look at our neighborhood on the internet.” Mrs. Connectzone responds “be there in a minute just finishing dinner”. Mr. Connectzone “Jemma you are on the street map, what are you doing standing in the middle of the street next to your car?” (insert music from “Psycho” stabbing scene here).

One of my worst nightmares permanently documented on the internet for the whole world to see. I instantly knew what he was talking about. It was a terrible tearful day for me. You see up until last summer I took great pride in the fact that I was a superior driver and had never run over an animal in my almost 30 years of driving. Mind you I have sent groceries flying on more than one occasion, almost been rear-ended because I slammed on my brakes to avoid squashing a myopic and hormone dazed opossum. I have actually used my car to block the street to aid a stray and stupid dog from being run over.

Of all the days Google Street View was taking pictures in my hood was the day I ran over a chipmunk. Yes a chipmunk, just like Alvin. I was so distraught I didn’t even notice there was a Google car there. To make matters even worse I was in a pair of shorts that made me look even fatter than I was and of course we all know everyone looks 10lbs fatter in pictures………

What are the odds of that? Jimmy the Greek wouldn’t take odds on that in Vegas. So I think it is a cool application-I am just warning you-beware what you wear when you scamper to your mail box Saturday morning because Google is out there.