Cisco WebEx on 24

I admit it-I am a 24 junkie and I voted for Jack Bauer for President last November. 24 is fast paced, patriotic and uses a lot of really cool technology that the average Joe doesn’t know exists let alone understands. To check out a scene from last night’s 24 click here. Last night the plugs for Cisco were kind of obscene-but it did get me interested in the technology. WebExprovides technology for everything from electronic signatures to web meeting and video conferencing capabilities; Cisco calls them virtual collaboration tools. BTW sells Cisco cables if you are in need of one.

Product Placement 101

Am I the only person who noticed Cisco product placement in last night’s episode? I suspect not. But how many of you noticed Sprint cell phones, government agents only driving Ford SUVs and all the computers being Macs? Well it makes sense since darn near everyone has a DVR and skips commercials. I guess old dogs can learn new tricks.

Starkwood vs. Blackwater hey that’s downright scary. If you have a 2 monitor set up open both links and read side by side. Maybe that speaks to Kiefer Sutherland’s politics.

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease also scary although I don’t know enough about genetically engineering it to accelerate. I hope infecting Jack with a relative of Mad Cow Disease doesn’t spell curtains-maybe Juma also genetically engineered an antidote although I sure hope 24 isn’t going to try to jump the shark!