Who Rescued Who?

Stories are surfacing today about the rescue teams summoned to Japan to search for survivors of the ever growing catastrophe. Some of these team members seem unlikely heroes.  A large number of the team’s members were themselves homeless, alone and no doubt broken hearted. Someone at some point had stopped caring about them yet somehow in their big, dumb canine hearts they didn’t give up instead, they gave back.Joe, an eight year old yellow lab was rescued by the Longmont Humane Society and went on to receive training from Disaster Search Dog Foundation. Pearl, another rescue dog has worked in Haiti and has had a book written about her and illustrated by a second grade class. The organization Search Dog Foundation has also deployed its teams to Japan, you can meet them here. If you are curious about search and rescue dogs this is a fantastic and informative video about their rescue, selection and training. So again I ask-who rescued who?National Disaster Search Dog FoundationConnectzone.com has made a donation to Search Dog Foundation in honor of those dedicated dogs and trainers. We challenge everyone reading this to give something of themselves to help acknowledge the tragedy in Japan. Perhaps it is a financial contribution, a donation to your local blood bank or even just a prayer.