Tsunami Hitting Maui & West Coast of US

Eddie would go?Eddie Aikau was a legend on the North Shore of Oahu. He rescued people out of water no one else would go in, he would surf waves no one else would ergo the saying “Eddie would go”. Since 1970 this saying has been part of Hawaiian Pop culture. There are variations like “Eddie wouldn’t tow” referring to the practice of jet skis towing surfers onto waves of the likes seen at JAWS. Then there is “Eddie wouldn’t crow” meaning don’t be a boastful and egotistical surfer. As we all know there was a devastating earthquake in Japan – well I guess yesterday now. The world has been watching the effects of the resulting tsunami. With all the sophisticated warning systems in place not to mention common sense-someone in Humboldt CA has been swept out to sea while taking pictures. I bet by the end of the day-someone somewhere will try to surf the tsunami. Except you can’t surf a tsunami because it doesn’t have a face. It is a wall of water that will flood an area then suck itself back out to sea. Not to mention the water is full of everything dredged up from the sea floor-and the land it runs over (think dead animals, garbage, parking meters and pieces of buildings. The thinking behind this kind of foolishness is difficult to fathom. Anyone with access to the internet or a television has seen what a tsunami can do, so what are you thinking Mr. California photographer? Just in according to the Curry County Sheriff's Office in Oregon, four people were also swept off a beach near Brookings. Are you guys trying to prove Darwin right? EDDIE WOULD NOT GO Update 11:51 AM PST: Tsunami hits Crescent City and Santa Cruz, CA causing significant damage.

Update 10:36 AM PST:

9 foot waves hit Lahaina Harbor this morning as a result of 8.9 Magnitude earthquake in Japan.Lahaina Harbourhttp://www.mauiweekly.com/page/content.detail/id/502935/Tsunami-Warning-is-Still-in-Effect.html?nav=13The team at ConnectZone holds Hawaii near and dear and are sending thoughts and prayers that this is the only effects they see from this tragedy in Japan. Breaking News (courtesy of CNN.com) 10:08 AM PST

7 Foot Waves hitting shores of Maui

(CNN) -- The ripple effect of Japan's deadly earthquake and tsunami appeared Friday to spare Hawaii and the U.S. mainland from major damage, although it damaged vessels and washed fish up on the shore in Maui. A tsunami warning in Hawaii was downgraded to an advisory, the State Civil Defense said Friday. Gerard Fryer with the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said evacuation orders were being lifted. "You no longer have to remain evacuated, but stay off the beach," the geophysicist said. ( http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/03/11/tsunami/index.html?hpt=T1)