Search Engine Optimization by Guest Blogger Chris, Rain Networks

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a very popular thing right now. Small businesses are depending on search engine listings to either grow their business or to even get business at all. As a web developer, I get a lot of questions about SEO and how we (Rain Networks) can help people get listed on Google and Yahoo!Q: Can you get my website listed at the top of Google’s list of search results?A: Yes and no. We design websites with search engines in mind. We make sure that if Google visits your website, they will be able to get the information they need. We do not, however, guarantee that your website will be listed at the top of the search results. Search engine results are determined by the search engines themselves. We can only give them what they want and hope they put you at the top of the list.Q: What does Google use to determine your ranking on search results?A: They use tons of factors (some of which we have no control over). Probably the most influential factor is other websites having a link to your website and if that website is a credible source. For example, a link to your website on will not help your listing as much as having a link on Additionally, the source must have something to do with the industry you’re in. For example, linking to car parts on a motorcycle website does no good.Q: Do meta tags help my ranking?A: The short answer, no. Meta tags really only help after your website shows up on the search results page. For example, the “description tag”, which briefly describes what your website is all about, shows up under the title of the search engine listing. This only helps users determine if they should click the link or not. It doesn’t actually help your link show up higher on the list.Q: Do you recommend paying Google to put my link on search result pages (i.e. pay-per-click advertising)?A: Yes! If anything, try it to see if it will help your business. Some businesses benefit enormously from paying Google, but others see no results. The good news is that you can determine exactly how much you want to spend. Whether it be $2 a day, or $2,000 a month. Of course, how much you spend will determine how successful your advertising will be.