Product Spotlight - ConnectZone Firewire Cables

Firewire Connectzone

Product Spotlight - ConnectZone Firewire Cables

FireWire, also called IEEE 1394 and iLinkTM, is one of the fastest I/O interface standards available today. It was specifically designed for connecting high-speed computer peripherals such as hard disks, removable drives, DV cameras, music synthesisers, high-end scanners and printers. Originally invented and developed by Apple, FireWire has since been embraced as an industry standard. Its ease of use and high performance have generated worldwide popularity. Today's data-intensive applications demand greater performance from peripherals than ever before. With the widespread use of digital photography, video, music and performance-demanding multimedia applications, traditional serial-port connections can no longer deliver the data throughput required. FireWire is the ideal choice as it supports transfer rates of up to 50MB/s, avoiding data bottlenecks. ConnectZone has a huge selection to choose from! FireWire benefits: * up to 50MB/s transfer rates (400Mbits/s) * scalable architecture: daisy chaining of up to 63 devices per bus * hot-plug capability (devices can be added or removed while computer is running with immediate device recognition) * ease of use: FireWire cables are a snap to connect‹you don¹t need device IDs, jumpers, DIP switches, screws, latches or terminators. * standard: interoperability with most digital audio & video devices * digital multimedia link : no quality loss due to analogue to digital conversion. * small and inexpensive: utilises thin, flexible cables * data and power: the FireWire cable carries data of course, but also power * supported by the OS: Mac OS 8.6 has the latest FireWire 2.0 drivers built-in, so you do not need to install them separately. Follow me on Twitter and Facebook. If you use Firewire in your system, let us know its application in the comments below!