Just When You Thought It Couldn’t Get Worse for Japan...

Just when you would be tempted to think that things couldn’t get worse for Japan-it does. Never mind the continued aftershocks from Friday’s 8.9 earthquake. Let’s overlook the painfully frequent tsunami sirens warnings after every aftershock. Oh and add to that rolling blackouts of power, lack of water, food shelter, 3 nuclear reactors on the verge of melt down and last but certainly not least-loss of life. Now it’s going to snow? The weather predictions indicate just above freezing temperatures as well as freezing precipitation that could trigger mudslides.  Mudslides of course are not a concern in the lowlands affected by the tsunami-but in the high lands where the earthquake may have shifted or loosened soil. It is hard to fathom that parts of a country as proud and powerful as Japan could be brought to its knees in a matter of minutes. It is hard to imagine what or how long it will take for them to recover. Connectzone continues to send out prayers to the men, women and children of this devastated country.

How can YOU donate to help Japan?

Here are a few options that make helping easy... Text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 for JapanGlobal GivingCauses.comDoctors Without BordersThe humanitarian group World Vision is rushing personnel into the affected areas and providing food, water, medical supplies and shelter for victims; or text “4japan” to 20222 to send a $10 donation to the group. It will show up on your next mobile phone bill. The Salvation Army, which has had a presence in Japan since 1895, sent a team to Sendai to assess damages and hopes to provide food, water and other necessities. In Tokyo, the Salvation Army opened its main building to house and feed commuters who were unable to reach their homes.