iPhone 5 Technical Specs & Release Date Rumors

iphone 5 release and tech specs rumors

When will iPhone 5 be released:

The iPhone 5 release date could be one of the most mysterious questions in the tech world. Although there is no concrete confirmation from Apple, numerous website has posted news ofiPhone 5 launch date. Some sources are stating that new iPhone will be arrived in September 2011 but rather than iPhone 5 it would be iPhone 4S, whereas others are assuming that iPhone 5may be released in September 2011. What is the iPhone 5 release date? It was being asked more frequently when the WWDC week began. Apple announced a lot about iOS 5 and iCloud at WWDC 2011. But why Apple didn’t reveal anything about iPhone 5 release date? What we can assume that Apple didn’t unveil anything about iPhone 5(or iPhone 4S) this week just because it want our attention on iOS 5 and iCloud as well. Beta version of iOS 5 is currently available only for developers. Apple doesn’t want to launch next generation iPhone 5 until iOS 5 is completely ready. At last but not least is launching of iPhone 5 this week would have hurt iPhone 4, recently released white iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS as well. So it sounds reasonable to hold off release ofiPhone 5.

iPhone 5 technical specs "Rumor":

Most iPhone 5 rumors are about a more advanced photo camera, an 8 MP photo camera to be precise. The current iPhone 4 comes with a 4 MP photo camera. Still, it is alleged that the iPhone 5 camera is going to allow 1080p Full HD video recording. Also, the iPhone 5 photo camera might be manufactured by Sony, Apple deciding not to continue to use OmniVision. The Sony CEO, Howard Stringer, said that 15 of the company’s factories in Japan are affected by the earthquake, and a new photo sensor model that was supposed to be delivered to Apple is going to be delayed. Until now, Sony has not manufactured anything for Apple.iPhone 5 will no longer have a Home buttonThe Home button of the iPhone 5 is going to disappear, according to some rumors. But, this information was not confirmed officially.iPhone 5 to have a bigger screenThe screen of the new iPhone 5 might have a 5 inch size. According to some sources, the rumor has 80% chances of being true.The same design as iPhone 4 ?Rumors also say that the iPhone 5 might have the same design as the iPhone 4, while other rumors are saying that the new model will look more like the iPad 2.iPhone 5 white versionThe new iPhone might also come in White, unlike the iPhone 4 who’s production was delayed. This seams to be one of the most credible iPhone 5 rumors.iPhone 5 might come with a physical keyboardThis is new! The new model might have a physical keyboard! This rumor has been floating around for years, so the rumor is no longer very credible.iPhone 5 64 GB modelIt is also said that the iPhone 5 will have a 64 GB version. Some time ago we were able to see a video on the Internet in which such a model was presented. It is not known if it was the iPhone 4 or a iPhone  5 prototype.Low-Cost iPhone modelsSome rumors are saying that Apple intends to produce some cheaper iPhone models, with weaker technical specifications. The new model, or the low cost ones, might come without internal memory.3D display and bigger batterySome are saying that the iPhone 5 might come with a 3D screen, even though the chances for this to happen are very small. Also, the battery of the new model might be more advanced and provide a better autonomy.iPhone 5 with NFC technologyIt is almost certain that the iPhone 5 will offer NFC support. It is not known if the service will be free or paid.iPhone 5 to have a new processor and more RAM memoryAnother rumor says that the new iPhone 5 might come with the A5 processor which was presented with the release of the Apple iPad 2. Also, the RAM memory might be increased to 1 GB.HDMI and 4GThe new iPhone might come with a HDMI output for viewing HD videos and might also be compatible with the 4G technology.

Are these rumors true???we shall see


