Disneyland Tokyo during earthquake

Disneyland TokyoI always feel safe when I go to Disneyland CA. I feel like nothing bad can happen, there are no bad people, the rides never break, no one could ever be hurt. Disney does a great job giving all its parks that illusion, because bad things do happen even at the “Happiest place on earth”  Rides do break and I personally know of one case of food poisoning and I won’t say who-but I will tell you it was a cast member of Connectzone. Disney Tokyo is still closed from damage sustained on the March 11 Tohoku Pacific Earthquake with no reopen date announced.  There is not much information about what damage occurred or if anyone was injured. What I can say in the true spirit of Disney that even during the earthquake cast members stayed calm-check out this video. Later stranded visitors were given food, water and blankets. I also would have never guessed there could be real time announcements as shown in this video-I thought it was all pre-recorded. This video shows the Tower or Terror swaying in one of the aftershocks-now that would be a 5 ticket ride!