Cleaning up Your Data Closet

Clean up Your Data ClosetMessy network wiring: avoid getting all tangled up BEFOREMessy Cable ClosetAFTERafter-cleanup-resized-600Ever decided to start some project and it just turns out to be a huge time suck? You take one step forward and momentarily bask in the success. Then, because of the sloppiness of the previous responsible party, you take two steps back. This can apply to many things; from the plumbing in your house to the wiring infrastructure in your network. In a recent post to the ITEC blog regarding cable organization , expert Paul Venezia gives several important tips for keeping the wires in your walls under control. Among his many good points, he suggests: Removing old wiring -any "legacy" wiring, from the old days, is guaranteed to slow down installation efforts, like having 3 layers of roofing on a house. Invest in proper cable management  - Keep it Organized! The extra effort will pay dividends later. The bottom line: don't take your wiring for granted. Since everything else in your network will be built upon the wiring, it deserves the proper attention.   Article by Lance Wilder